On September 7, 2023, Humanity Foundation Kenya encountered a heartbreaking case involving Christiano Angode Michael, a young boy from Rwaka Primary School who was attacked by ten dogs on his way home. Despite the severity of his injuries, the dogs' owner distanced herself from the incident, leaving Christiano and his humble family to face an overwhelming crisis alone.
Christiano sustained extensive wounds, including critical trauma to one of his eyes. He was initially treated at Tigoni Hospital and later transferred to Kenyatta Hospital, where he underwent several surgeries. By God’s grace and the skilled hands of the medical team, his eye was saved. Now, while he is physically healing, he continues to experience trauma-induced incontinence, adding an additional challenge to his journey.
Christiano’s family has shown tremendous resilience through this ordeal. His father, the family’s sole provider, has had to step away from work to be by his son’s side, while his mother, caring for an infant, manages the household on limited resources. Humanity Foundation Kenya has taken on the responsibility of supporting Christiano’s medical and emotional recovery, ensuring that his follow-up treatments are covered and that he receives the care he needs.
Christiano’s journey is far from over. He will need continued medical follow-ups, emotional support, and academic assistance as he prepares to resume his studies. We invite well-wishers, sponsors, and donors to join us in supporting Christiano as he moves forward. Your help can make a meaningful difference in his recovery, providing him with the resources he needs to heal and thrive.
Together, we can stand by Christiano and his family in their time of need, proving that, no matter the challenge, Humanity Always Wins.