On April 1, 2022—April Fools’ Day—Baby Kasaka’s life took a serious turn. His case was brought to the attention of Kamau James, the founder of Humanity Foundation Kenya, after his body became swollen and he could no longer urinate, with the urine starting to be absorbed back into his system. What we initially thought would be a simple visit to a local hospital soon escalated. Kasaka was rushed from Tigoni Hospital to Kiambu Level 5 Hospital in an ambulance as an emergency case.
After undergoing multiple tests and scans in various hospitals and laboratories such as Lancet, Baby Kasaka was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Since then, he has faced numerous surgeries and medical procedures, including the use of colostomy and catheter bags to manage his condition. His journey has required immense financial, physical, and emotional support.
Kasaka lives in Kwambira, Limuru, with his mother and four siblings. His mother struggles to make ends meet, relying on casual jobs that are not always guaranteed, arising only on a need basis. None of Kasaka’s siblings, including him, attend school due to the extreme poverty they face. Kasaka is the 4th born in a family of five children, and the family has had to depend on the Humanity Foundation for their daily survival, including food and essential needs.
From the moment Kasaka’s case was brought to us, Humanity Foundation Kenya has been fully committed to supporting him and his family. We have facilitated his medical care, feeding, and transportation to various hospitals. Beyond medical treatment, we also provide daily sustenance to Kasaka’s family, who live in severe poverty. Our hope is that once Kasaka stabilizes, we will enroll him in school and give him the opportunity to learn, something he has never had.
Currently, Kasaka has been referred to HCGK Cancer Centre in Parklands, where he is undergoing 30 days of daily radiotherapy under the care of Dr. Hellena. The treatment is crucial, but it comes with a heavy financial burden. We are calling upon well-wishers and supporters to help make this journey a little easier for Kasaka and his family.
This journey has been anything but easy, requiring constant financial, physical, and emotional support. We hope that with the generosity of kind-hearted individuals, we can continue to support Kasaka’s medical treatments and daily needs. Your contributions will help Baby Kasaka and his family through this incredibly challenging time.
At Humanity Foundation Kenya, we believe that Humanity Always Wins, and with your support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those like Baby Kasaka who need it most.
Thank you for standing with us and proving that together, we can change lives for the better.